
Protests against the onshore extraction firm Cuadrilla took place in Balcombe, Sussex, in 2013. For ten weeks, protestors in the area formed a community as well as protestors from other fracking sites, such as ‘Frack Free Sussex’ and ‘No Dash for Gas’. They prevent lorries carrying drilling equipment from arriving at the site. They were concerned about the possible consequences to fresh water, soil pollution, and earthquakes. The policing methods used during this demonstration inspired training at the College of Policing.

Photo by Jeff Pitcher

Photo by Jeff Pitcher

Photo by Jeff Pitcher

Local Green MP Caroline Lucas took part in the protests and gave the following statement for this exhibition:

In 2013, the proposed fracking site in Balcombe was the front line of the battle for a climate safe future in the UK.   Along with everyone else who took action there, I was trying to prevent the start of a major new investment in fracking, which would have accelerated carbon emissions and caused enormous environmental damage. I took peaceful, non-violent direct action only after exhausting every other means available to me in parliament, and when it becomes clear that the Government wasn’t listening to the widespread opposition to fracking, both in Balcombe and across the country.

We were, of course, pleased that the court upheld our rights to peacefully protest against fracking but I and many others remain haunted by the idea that our children and our children’s children will turn round and say, ‘what did you do about this overwhelming threat?’ I want to do all I can do peacefully to address that before it’s too late - including defending our democratic rights to protest when they are threatened, as this Government is doing right now.
— MP Caroline Lucas

The ‘Drill or Drop’ website, linked here, chronologically displays Balcombe’s fracking and oil drilling plans, including the protests.

Campaigners against climate change trade union group flyer 'Why workers should oppose fracking'.


T-shirt worn at Balcombe fracking protest by member of 'Frack Free Sussex' and Sign used at Balcombe fracking protest by member of 'Frack Free Sussex’


The images below are an example of a free resource giving protestors legal advice on how to respond to a protest if cautioned or arrested by Police.

The Green and Black Cross is an organisation which supports and develops the strength of movements through the practice of non-hierarchy and mutual aid.

This one is specific to the South East, but this link displays other versions that are available around the UK

Interview with Jane Derrick (Retired Chief Superintendent)

Pride 2022 Footage

Produced by Joe Gilling


The 'Knitting Nanas Against Gas Research' beanie hat, created at the roadside of Balcombe Fracking Protest 2013. Knitting Nanas are a craftivist group which originated in Australia. There is now a Balcombe Group. (Photo by a member of Frack Free Sussex).

More information about Knitting Nanas can be found here: 

'Knitting Nanas Against Gas Research' beanie hat, created at the roadside of Balcombe Fracking Protest 2013. Worn recently at a demonstration on 1st October 2022 at a multi-faceted cost of living march in London. (Photo by a member of Frack Free Sussex).

Further Research:

Here are some links to reports on protests, video of the protest, as well as a police department’s protest guidebook.

The Network for Police Monitoring (Netpol) produced this report looking at protest policing between 2016- 2019

This video is of day two of the protest.

Linked below is the ‘Policing Protest Pocket Legislation Guide’ created for police officers to follow when policing protests.

This link is a report on recent protest policing. ‘Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services’ “Getting the balance right?: An inspection of how effectively the police deal with protests”.




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