Womens Old Police Cells Museum Womens Old Police Cells Museum

International Women’s Day

This IWD, the OPCM celebrated by sharing 5 films made by Women’s Team volunteers. From 100 years of women’s policing in Sussex to chocolate poisonings, they explore both sides of the law.

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Not on my watch
Womens Old Police Cells Museum Womens Old Police Cells Museum

Not on my watch

A series of films about strong women in Sussex’s history who have been in the police – or in the hands of the police!

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Mary Hare (1866-1945)
Womens Old Police Cells Museum Womens Old Police Cells Museum

Mary Hare (1866-1945)

Pioneer teacher of deaf children, committed suffragette determined to change women’s lives for the better and recognised as one of Britain’s first ‘policewomen’.

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